Yay! it's our one year anniversary! I can't believe how fast time is flying by with the love of my life! We are having a wonderful life together. I'm so grateful to have met Jerry and to explore life with him. Our wedding was a big gathering of friends and relatives to celebrate our merging and it was a glorious weekend event! Thanks to so many people who helped us create it! There is no way it could have been possible without their help!
Here is a mini list of gratitude to all the people who helped us create a beautiful wedding:
1. My parents of course!
2. Jerry's parents of course!
3. Alison Rudrud - only the BEST coordinator on the planet.
4. Yvette Roman and Suzi Varin
5. modern 8 Films - ok people - this was the best last minute addition to our wedding. So talented. So much fun. and they put a photo of jerry on the cover of their website ! Go look!
6.La Costa Resort and Spa!
7. Amy and Joanne, Sean and Sean the bridal party and helpful through out the planning! believe you me, I needed it!
8. Nicole Degraaf - best cat sitter ever! Pretty girl thanks you!
9. The Vintage Photobooth - super cool and fun!
10. All of our friends and family that made the trek out to San Diego that weekend! Thank you for being there to help us celebrate. It was so great to have you all there. I was very touched by all the love and support you gave to us!!
Of course this is a MINI LIST. there are so many others.....!!!
And on the top of this list of course is my beautiful husband Jerry!!!!!
hey - here is a link to his fabulous website! He is so talented. He inspires me in so many ways. In photography, in the way I treat others, in the way I look at work, and in the way I express love. He is a great example of all of these things. He is my best friend and soon we will be venturing into parenthood! Today is the 20th week of my pregnancy - we are half way there! What a gift.
And what a fantastic first year!
Thank you Jerry.
I am honored to be your wife.
You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. you make me happyyyyyyyyyyyy when skies are gray. you'll never know dear, how much I love you.....let's go to MAUI! ( 15 days and counting! )