Thursday, December 11, 2008

not a new photo series but....

I've been working on and off on a baby blanket since June. I was pretty invested in knitting in the first trimester of my pregnancy and then I wasn't. That's how I am in general with my creative inspiration. It comes and goes and I just have to be on alert when the juices start flowing. Well 7 months later and the blanket is finally done. I ran out of yarn on the LAST row and found some left over ribbon and decided to see how that would work. I really like how it turned out. I took a photo with a onsie on the blanket that my friend amy sent to me - so you can see the size of it - relative to a newborn baby. I can wrap him up in it and he can use it for a while before it's too small. I almost wish it was larger but - I can always start a new one!

Now that this one is done I'm on to figure out how to make a baby sweater. I picked up the yard this week and plan on taking a class to get some pointers. Looking forward to it. It's all part of my creative outlet. Photography, knitting, cooking, baking, printmaking. oh yea, every time I think about printmaking I want to dig into it even deeper. Take classes, print print print, look at other artists prints, make handmade books with my prints in them, sell my prints, put the prints onto t-shirts. etc etc.
Might be a new direction for me. But I've also been dreaming of creating a new cupcake and baking them in small batches on the side to sell in the area. Cupcakes and printmaking. God that sounds delicious. YES? Oh and of course pinhole photography.
That love will never die.

I love dreaming. Don't you? Especially when wrapped in a handmade blanket!
What are you dreaming about?