Sunday, October 25, 2009

Art Explosion

The photos above are from the art show I was in this past Saturday at Zinnia in South Pasadena. 350 wood panels. 6 of them were mine. It was a great show and amazing to see all the panels together - creating another - bigger creation.
2 of my panels sold the first hour - not sure if the others sold as we had to run home with baby for his feeding time.
But it was exciting to make new work and share it with others and then see some of it sell!

this photo was taken yesterday after a flurry of printmaking happened in about a half an hour. I just ADORE making prints and once I get going - WATCH OUT!
There are prints all over the dining room and table and coffee table. I'm calling it an Art Explosion!

Must go to Max's first halloween party.....he's going as a hotdog and we are mustard and ketchup. Can you guess which one is going to be in red and which will be yellow??
