Monday, May 21, 2007
abajo del rio
Beneath the River.
These images were made when I lived in Portland, Oregon. That was roughly 6 years ago. I lived in Portland for 5 years. So much happened in those 5 years. These two images are part of a series of 4. Self portraits. I haven't done that type of work in a while and have a tiny craving for it. I met a gal named Kerry this weekend who reminded me of this work. We were talking about how one person might say something negative about your work and for some reason you find yourself believing them and it effects how you work. A little seed gets planted and you don't even realize it is growing in your own mind.
Abajo del Rio is somehow a metaphor today for that exact thing. When I made these images I was reacting to a particular relationship in my life. I believed someone was who he said he was - and then found out that he had lied. This was a VERY BIG lie. I found it shattering. I took it personally and it provoked a search to find a way to no longer suffer based on how other people behave. I'm not real into that. Suffering because of someone else's actions, words, beliefs, etc. It's a big time waster, and can be so draining. Still learning and growing around that one. When I look at these images I do feel the sting of that time in my life. It was a dark time for me. But I learned so much as a result. What a blessing that time was.
And I am still learning now. Abajo del Rio.