WWM logo © world wide moment
"My name is Brett Brownell and I am a photographer and citizen of the United States. I would like to tell you about a project I'm heading which uses photography to unite people around the world for a moment of peace. It's called World Wide Moment. The concept is for people everywhere to take a photograph at the exact same moment. We're asking for your support and help in spreading the word about World Wide Moment.
The moment we have chosen for people to take photos around the world simultaneously is 08.08.08@08:08+08hrGMT. That time corresponds to August 8th, 2008 in the time zone where Beijing, China is located (coincidentally, this happens to be the first day of the Olympics). So in Phoenix the moment corresponds to August 7, 2008 at 5:08PM, and in New York it corresponds to August 7, 2008 at 8:08PM, and so on. It doesn't matter what kind of camera is used. It doesn't matter how professional or amateur. All that matters is for people to pause for a moment of peace, take a photograph, and share their unique story.
After the photographs are taken we will collect them, as well as the photographers' stories, on our website (www.worldwidemoment.org). Our goal is to display the photographs and stories for everyone to see in galleries and online in order to discuss and learn from this worldwide experience.
Please feel free to email me at worldwidemoment@gmail.com with any questions or ideas. I look forward to talking to you soon and we thank you for your support.
Brett Brownell"
Westcoast takes place on Thursday, August 7th at 5:08pm.
Mark you calendars and read more about this here.