I found this on Mary Catherine Hamelin's blog and thought it felt right for me and for you too.
I hope you agree.
I call this time in my life my radical sabbatical. I love the ease of my life right now and the absence of any amount of pressure that comes from some inner dialogue that tells me I'm needing to do more, make more, get more.
I have everything I need. The world is wide open. It's slow, relaxing, and stress free.
I'm reading a book called "Giving: How each of us can change the world" by Bill Clinton. It's inspiring and is the direction I am starting to make in my own life. Looking at where I can put my energies to help make a difference and help others. I think this slowing down period in my life has helped me to get more focused on what's important to me - how I want to spend my time - and BE in the world and in my life.
enjoy slowing down. It's a nice pace.