I took this photo of myself a month ago when my belly was just starting to really look like there might be a baby in there.
When I look at this now it doesn't even compare to what my belly looks like now. People think I'm carrying twins! ( I'm not! Just one big baby! )
I took this photo in our bedroom. I felt it was a continuation from the newlywed bed series I was working on earlier before I got pregnant. Those photos were taken every morning of the bed after we got out of it in the morning. The bed took on a sculptural quality when all the photos were made into large contact sheets 17x22. The funny thing is, I had no idea I was actually documenting the bed during the time frame that I got pregnant! I love that this is documented. It goes with the honeymoon photos I took in hawaii - the long exposures of our "merging". So it felt right to take these pregnancy photos on the very bed where the baby was conceived. I love the out of focus painterly quality of this image. The quiet feel of it. I plan to take more of these out of focus portraits of myself. Not sure when. But consider this a new series to work on. It won't be as intensive as the tree series where I took a photo every month on the 18th day. But it will show the progression of the pregnancy in a dream like - soft and quiet way. When the belly gets bigger ( is that possible? ) I've asked Jerry to take out the 4x5 camera and take some black and white 4x5 images of my body. I look forward to that.
And in between - I'll be taking a new series of images in hawaii again - yes with the pinhole. But I'm also bringing the holga, and a polaroid camera with left over polaroid from my birthday party. Looking forward to looking.
Quote of the day
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.
- Barack Obama