ok so here is a peek at the belly and how it's growing! Crazy what a month can do! I'm in the bliss months of pregnancy. Although for me what I feel is normal instead of like a freight train ran over me. The first 3 months were not bad at all - I was just exhausted beyond anything I'd ever experienced before. I am enjoying this time in my life very much. No schedule but to tend to myself and the growing baby inside of me. To rest, relax, pamper, eat well, enjoy the peacefulness, and prepare what I can for the unknown. My nesting instinct has kicked in and I've been learning to bake and cook gluten free muffins, cake, lasagna, mexican hot dish, etc. That comes and goes the urge to cook and bake. Right now we are blessed with friends who dropped off a bunch of baby stuff. Makes it feel more real that a baby is on the way! Even though you can see by the belly that it's real! Somehow baby chairs, swings, mats, etc, in the living room make it feel like a home that has a baby instead of a home with just a cat. ( don't tell my cat I said it like that ). We are going on a babymoon to Maui. Can't wait to wear a bikini and show off the belly, and take photos with my pinhole camera at the same places that my honeymoon series was taken. I've been feeling the itch to create new work and have been gathering up polaroid film, and other such precious things to bring with us on our trip.
And here is a quote I found today on SuperHero Design's Blog. My favorite blog of all.
“This is the true joy in life, to be used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one, to be thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap. To be a force of nature instead of a feverish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am a member of a community and as a member it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can before I die. Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch that I want to make burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.” George Bernard Shaw