Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Up early again.
This morning I was inspired by the sunrise and wanted to share it with you all. Taken at 6:39am
Love watching the light change in the morning. There's nothing like it.
I sit in the dark living room with just the glow of the laptop screen and I can start to see the light coming in through the sides of the blinds. Then the color of the light changes as well as the brightness. Right now the sun is blasting into the room and creating an amazing warm glow on the fireplace mantel. It's gorgeous.
I am grateful to witness this.

I purchased a gratitude journal. It has the dates and 5 lines under each date so I can get back to that way of thinking and looking and noticing on a regular basis. The camera actually helps with that as well. Reminds me to really LOOK! I want to come up with new things each day to write in my gratitude journal. It's easy to just say the same things over and over. This practice helps me to see, feel, and be in the moment.

One of my favorite all time assignments was from Doug Beasley on one of his photo workshops at Beitenbush Hot Springs in Oregon.

he suggests to go out and take photos of things you find to be "not photo worthy" and see what happens.
I think this was one of my "ah hah" spiritual moments for me.

If you have a camera I suggest trying this assignment out.
Go ahead - take a photo of what you think is NOT photo worthy.....I dare you......
Would love to hear what your experience is.