This past weekend My Lovely husband Jerry was in a photo show "The Art of Photography"in San Diego.
His image, titled "Starship" was a glorious sight among the other works. The opening was PACKED with people. I've never seen such a busy reception.
Some of our family made the trek to the opening. It was great to have them there with us.
The Big news of the night was that his photograph SOLD!
He has a new website up that you should really check out. His work takes my breath away. He is so talented. I am lucky to know him, let alone be married to him!
ok,ok, I'm gushing,
here is the link:
Quotes for the day:
" As resistance works to keep us from becoming who we were born to be, equal and opposite powers are counter-poised against it. These are our allies and angels."
- Steven Pressfield. The War of Art
" Take a small step in the direction of a dream and watch the synchronous doors flying open. Seeing, after all, is believing."
- Julia Cameron. The Artist's Way page 66